The health and safety of our attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and staff is our top priority. We will continue to monitor and communicate COVID-19 developments and follow recommendations regarding masks, social distancing, and sanitation as set forth by San Diego County, as these regulations are continually subject to change. By attending the IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2021, you agree to abide by established protocols and guidelines communicated by the IAPP. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting your registration fee and removal from the event.
Better Together: the Privacy-Technology Fusion at IAPP P.S.R. 2021
We lived through a year of trusting technology to conduct business and live life at safe distances. What effect did that dependence have on privacy and information security, and what lessons are we taking into the future? Explore those and other questions in at IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2021, live in San Diego.
P.S.R. is the number-one event focused on the intersection of privacy and technology. Speakers and breakout sessions will dive deeply into maximizing technology as a privacy asset and minimizing it as a privacy threat. Join discussions of operational issues such as data breaches, scaling privacy programs, managing consent and more. Led by privacy and security professionals with decades of experience, breakout sessions yield practical guidance you will be able to put to work immediately. P.S.R. also offers world-class networking where you can connect with other privacy and infosec professionals at large events or smaller meet-ups focused on specific areas of interest.