This meeting will be held virtually with no in person component and will not be recorded. Instructions on how to view this webinar will be sent to registrants 1-2 days prior to the meeting. If registration is closed or you have any questions, please email
1° Rio de Janeiro KnowledgeNet Mock Trial
O capítulo do IAPP no Rio de Janeiro tem o orgulho de anunciar seu primeiro julgamento simulado como parte de seu calendário anual de eventos. O desafio temático será o direito ao esquecimento e envolverá duas equipes de universitários (PUC / RJ e UFRJ) junto com convidados especiais.
The IAPP Rio de Janeiro chapter is proud to announce its first mock-trial as part of its annual calendar of events. The challenge theme will be the right to be forgotten and will involve two teams of university students (PUC / RJ and UFRJ) along with special guests.
"O Juiz"
"The Judge"
Viviane Nóbrega Maldonado, CIPP/E, Founder and CEO, Nextlaw Academy
"O Ministério Público"
"The Public Prosecutor's Office"
Lúcia Teixeira Ferreira, CIPP/E, Partner, Sotto Maior and Nagel Advogados
"As Partes"
"The Parties"
Hana Mesquita Amaral Figueira, PUC, Rio
Maria Gabriela Freitas de Lima, PUC, Rio
Raquel Lane Corrêa da Silva, PUC, Rio
Samara Carvalho de Souza Silva, UFRJ
Amanda Barbosa, UFRJ
Lucas Ramires, UFRJ
"O Amicus Curiae"
"The Amicus Curiae"
Fabrício da Mota Alves, Partner, Serur Advogados
The Rio de Janeiro Chapter Chairs.
This presentation will be in Portuguese.
18:00 - 20:00 Brasilia
Thank you to our local KnowledgeNet Chapter Chairs:
Clarisse De La Cerda, CIPP/E, Partner, Bhering Advogados
Maria Fernanda Hosken Perongini, Head of Privacy and Data Protection
Thaïs Ramos, CIPM, Privacy Compliance Manager, Ceridian Canada
Thamilla Talarico, Privacy and Technology Coordinator, BSBC Advogados
Eligible CPE Credits:
2.0 CPE
If you have certification questions, please read our cpe policy or e-mail Credit will be awarded two weeks after date of event.
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