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When and Where
  • 6/15/2022
  • This meeting will be a live webinar.

This meeting will be held virtually with no in person component and will not be recorded. Instructions on how to view this webinar will be sent to registrants upon registration and 1-2 days prior to the meeting. If registration is closed or you have any questions, please email knowledgenet@iapp.org.


Data Protection and Companies: New rules and how to be prepared

Please join this meeting to discuss compliance with data privacy regulations in Uruguay. What are the obligations and responsibilities of the Companies? Panelists will discuss the principles of the PDP Act, international data transfer and the implications of the new “Do Not Call” registry.

Protección de Datos & Empresas. Nuevas reglas ¿Cómo estar preparados?

Cumplimiento de la normativa de Privacidad de datos en Uruguay. ¿Cuáles son las obligaciones y responsabilidades de las Empresas ? Trataremos los principios de la Ley de PDP, la transferencia internacional de datos y las repercusiones del nuevo registro “No llame”.


Martin Pesce, Partner, Ferrere Abogados

Mercedes Castells, Partner, Fischer Abogados

Cecilia Abente, Partner, Abente Stewart

Elena Goñi, CIPP/E, Founder Legal in Tech

Diego Fernández, Partner, Marval O´Farrell Mairal


Gustavo Fischer, Partner, Fischer Abogados


This presentation will be in Spanish.


9 - 10:30 a.m. GMT-3

Thank you to our local KnowledgeNet Chapter Chairs:

Martin Pesce, Partner, Ferrere Abogados

Mercedes Castells, Partner, Fischer Abogados

Cecilia Abente, Partner, Abente Stewart

Gustavo Fischer, Partner, Fischer Abogados

Special thank you to Young Privacy Professional volunteer, Elena Goñi, CIPP/E, Founder Legal in Tech, for helping to support the chapter.

Eligible CPE Credits: 


1.5 CPE

If you have certification questions, please read our cpe policy or e-mail cpe@iapp.org. Credit will be awarded two weeks after date of event.

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