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When and Where
  • 10/15/2017 - 10/18/2017
  • Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
  • San Diego
  • CA
  • United States

You are privacy.
You are security.
You are risk.

Privacy and security are going places together, and you, the doers, the professionals—and the decisions you make—are key to that future.

P.S.R. is the only event that brings you the best of privacy and security in one brilliant (and completely unique) cross-industry conference. And this year, we’re heading to San Diego with even more programming. Opening General Session will be held in the late afternoon on Monday, October 16, followed by two full days packed with all-new security and IT content, plus expanded privacy offerings including your west-coast source for GDPR prep and education.

Privacy and security are going places together. Join the movement.